GG::OgreGUIInputPlugin Class Reference

The base class for Ogre plugins that provides input functionality to OgreGUI. More...

#include <OgreGUIInputPlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for GG::OgreGUIInputPlugin:

OISInput List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 OgreGUIInputPlugin ()
virtual ~OgreGUIInputPlugin ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetRenderWindow (Ogre::RenderWindow *window)
static Ogre::RenderWindow * GetRenderWindow ()

Detailed Description

The base class for Ogre plugins that provides input functionality to OgreGUI.

Derived classes must implement HandleWindowResize(), HandleWindowClose(), and HandleSystemEvents(). The last of these is where the input-system specific code resides. This function must obtain mouse moves and clicks, keyboard events, etc., from the underlying system and translate them to the associated GG events. Derived classes must also call ConnectHandlers() sometime in their contructors. See OISInput for a sample implementation.

Definition at line 60 of file OgreGUIInputPlugin.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GG::OgreGUIInputPlugin::OgreGUIInputPlugin (  ) 

Default ctor.

virtual GG::OgreGUIInputPlugin::~OgreGUIInputPlugin (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

static void GG::OgreGUIInputPlugin::SetRenderWindow ( Ogre::RenderWindow *  window  )  [static]

Overrides the use of the Ogre::Root-autocreated window.

static Ogre::RenderWindow* GG::OgreGUIInputPlugin::GetRenderWindow (  )  [static]

Returns the Ogre::RenderWindow in which the OgreGUI is operating.

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Generated on Wed Mar 26 14:35:43 2008 for GG by  doxygen 1.5.2