SignalsAndSlots.h File Reference

Contains the Connect() functions, which simplify the connection of boost signals and slots. More...

#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
#include <GG/Signal0.h>
#include <GG/Signal1.h>
#include <GG/Signal2.h>
#include <GG/Signal3.h>
#include <GG/Signal4.h>
#include <GG/Signal5.h>
#include <GG/Signal6.h>
#include <GG/Signal7.h>
#include <GG/Signal8.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  GG


template<class SigT>
boost::signals::connection GG::Connect (SigT &sig, const typename SigT::slot_type &_slot, boost::signals::connect_position at=boost::signals::at_back)
template<class SigT>
boost::signals::connection GG::Connect (SigT &sig, const typename SigT::slot_type &_slot, int grp, boost::signals::connect_position at=boost::signals::at_back)

Detailed Description

Contains the Connect() functions, which simplify the connection of boost signals and slots.

Definition in file SignalsAndSlots.h.

Generated on Wed Mar 26 14:35:42 2008 for GG by  doxygen 1.5.2