GG::Layout Member List

This is the complete list of members for GG::Layout, including all inherited members.

AcceptDrops(std::list< Wnd * > &wnds, const Pt &pt)GG::Wnd [virtual]
Add(Wnd *wnd, int row, int column, Flags< Alignment > alignment=ALIGN_NONE)GG::Layout
Add(Wnd *wnd, int row, int column, int num_rows, int num_columns, Flags< Alignment > alignment=ALIGN_NONE)GG::Layout
AttachChild(Wnd *wnd)GG::Wnd
BeginClipping()GG::Wnd [virtual]
BorderMargin() constGG::Layout
BrowseInfoText(int mode) constGG::Wnd
BrowseModes() constGG::Wnd
CancellingChildDragDrop(const std::list< Wnd * > &wnds)GG::Layout [virtual]
CellMargin() constGG::Layout
CellRects() constGG::Layout
Cells() constGG::Layout
ChildAlignment(Wnd *wnd) constGG::Layout
Children() constGG::Wnd
ChildrenDraggedAway(const std::list< Wnd * > &wnds, const Wnd *destination)GG::Layout [virtual]
Clickable() constGG::Wnd
ClientHeight() constGG::Wnd
ClientLowerRight() constGG::Wnd [virtual]
ClientSize() constGG::Wnd
ClientUpperLeft() constGG::Wnd [virtual]
ClientWidth() constGG::Wnd
ClipChildren() constGG::Wnd
Columns() constGG::Layout
ColumnStretch(int column) constGG::Layout
ContainingLayout() constGG::Wnd
DefaultBrowseInfoWnd()GG::Wnd [static]
DefaultBrowseTime()GG::Wnd [static]
DefineAttributes(WndEditor *editor)GG::Layout [virtual]
DeleteChild(Wnd *wnd)GG::Wnd
DetachChild(Wnd *wnd)GG::Wnd
Dragable() constGG::Wnd
DragDropDataType() constGG::Wnd
DragDropEnter(const Pt &pt, const std::map< Wnd *, Pt > &drag_drop_wnds, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
DragDropHere(const Pt &pt, const std::map< Wnd *, Pt > &drag_drop_wnds, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
DragDropLeave()GG::Wnd [virtual]
EnableChildClipping(bool enable=true)GG::Wnd
EndClipping()GG::Wnd [virtual]
EventFilter(Wnd *w, const WndEvent &event)GG::Wnd [protected, virtual]
GainingFocus()GG::Wnd [virtual]
GetLayout() constGG::Wnd
GetStyleFactory() constGG::Wnd
GG_CONCRETE_EXCEPTION(InvalidMargin, GG::Layout, Exception)GG::Layout
GG_CONCRETE_EXCEPTION(NoSuchChild, GG::Layout, Exception)GG::Layout
GG_CONCRETE_EXCEPTION(FailedCalculationCheck, GG::Layout, Exception)GG::Layout
GG_CONCRETE_EXCEPTION(AttemptedOverwrite, GG::Layout, Exception)GG::Layout
GG::Wnd::GG_CONCRETE_EXCEPTION(BadLayout, GG::Wnd, Exception)GG::Wnd
HandleEvent(const WndEvent &event)GG::Wnd [protected]
Height() constGG::Wnd
Hide(bool children=true)GG::Wnd
InClient(const Pt &pt) const GG::Wnd [virtual]
InstallEventFilter(Wnd *wnd)GG::Wnd
InWindow(const Pt &pt) const GG::Wnd [virtual]
KeyPress(Key key, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Layout [virtual]
KeyRelease(Key key, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Layout [virtual]
Layout(int x, int y, int w, int h, int rows, int columns, int border_margin=0, int cell_margin=-1)GG::Layout
Layout()GG::Layout [protected]
LButtonDown(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
LButtonUp(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
LClick(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
LDoubleClick(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
LDrag(const Pt &pt, const Pt &move, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
LosingFocus()GG::Wnd [virtual]
LowerRight() constGG::Wnd
m_doneGG::Wnd [protected]
m_textGG::Wnd [protected]
MaxSize() constGG::Wnd
MButtonDown(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
MButtonUp(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
MClick(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
MDoubleClick(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
MDrag(const Pt &pt, const Pt &move, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
MinimumColumnWidth(int column) constGG::Layout
MinimumRowHeight(int row) constGG::Layout
MinSize() constGG::Wnd
MinUsableSize() constGG::Layout [virtual]
Modal() constGG::Wnd
ModalInit()GG::Wnd [virtual]
MouseEnter(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
MouseHere(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
MouseLeave()GG::Wnd [virtual]
MouseWheel(const Pt &pt, int move, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Layout [virtual]
MoveChildDown(Wnd *wnd)GG::Wnd
MoveChildUp(Wnd *wnd)GG::Wnd
MoveTo(const Pt &pt)GG::Wnd
OffsetMove(const Pt &pt)GG::Wnd
OnTop() constGG::Wnd
OutlineColor() constGG::Layout
Parent() constGG::Wnd
RButtonDown(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
RButtonUp(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
RClick(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
RDoubleClick(const Pt &pt, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
RDrag(const Pt &pt, const Pt &move, Flags< ModKey > mod_keys)GG::Wnd [virtual]
RelativeCellRects() constGG::Layout
RelativeLowerRight() constGG::Wnd
RelativeUpperLeft() constGG::Wnd
Remove(Wnd *wnd)GG::Layout
RemoveEventFilter(Wnd *wnd)GG::Wnd
Render()GG::Layout [virtual]
RenderOutline() constGG::Layout
RenderOutline(bool render_outline)GG::Layout
RepeatButtonDown() constGG::Wnd
Resizable() constGG::Wnd
Resize(const Pt &sz)GG::Wnd
ResizeLayout(int rows, int columns)GG::Layout
RootParent() constGG::Wnd
Rows() constGG::Layout
RowStretch(int row) constGG::Layout
Run()GG::Wnd [virtual]
ScreenToClient(const Pt &pt) const GG::Wnd
ScreenToWindow(const Pt &pt) const GG::Wnd
SetBorderMargin(int margin)GG::Layout
SetBrowseInfoWnd(const boost::shared_ptr< BrowseInfoWnd > &wnd, int mode=0)GG::Wnd
SetBrowseModes(const std::vector< BrowseInfoMode > &modes)GG::Wnd
SetBrowseModeTime(int time, int mode=0)GG::Wnd
SetBrowseText(const std::string &text, int mode=0)GG::Wnd
SetCellMargin(int margin)GG::Layout
SetChildAlignment(Wnd *wnd, Flags< Alignment > alignment)GG::Layout
SetColumnStretch(int column, double stretch)GG::Layout
SetDefaultBrowseInfoWnd(const boost::shared_ptr< BrowseInfoWnd > &browse_info_wnd)GG::Wnd [static]
SetDefaultBrowseTime(int time)GG::Wnd [static]
SetDragDropDataType(const std::string &data_type)GG::Wnd
SetLayout(Layout *layout)GG::Wnd
SetLayoutBorderMargin(int margin)GG::Wnd
SetLayoutCellMargin(int margin)GG::Wnd
SetMarginActionGG::Layout [friend]
SetMaxSize(const Pt &sz)GG::Wnd
SetMinimumColumnWidth(int column, int width)GG::Layout
SetMinimumRowHeight(int row, int height)GG::Layout
SetMinSize(const Pt &sz)GG::Wnd
SetOutlineColor(Clr color)GG::Layout
SetRowStretch(int row, double stretch)GG::Layout
SetStyleFactory(const boost::shared_ptr< StyleFactory > &factory)GG::Wnd
SetText(const std::string &str)GG::Wnd [virtual]
Show(bool children=true)GG::Wnd
Size() constGG::Wnd
SizeMove(const Pt &ul, const Pt &lr)GG::Layout [virtual]
StartingChildDragDrop(const Wnd *wnd, const Pt &offset)GG::Layout [virtual]
TimerFiring(int ticks, Timer *timer)GG::Wnd [virtual]
UpperLeft() constGG::Wnd
Visible() constGG::Wnd
Width() constGG::Wnd
WindowRegion(const Pt &pt) const GG::Wnd [virtual]
WindowText() constGG::Wnd
Wnd classGG::Layout [friend]
GG::Wnd::Wnd()GG::Wnd [protected]
GG::Wnd::Wnd(int x, int y, int w, int h, Flags< WndFlag > flags=CLICKABLE|DRAGABLE)GG::Wnd [protected]
ZOrder() constGG::Wnd
~Wnd()GG::Wnd [virtual]

Generated on Wed Mar 26 14:35:42 2008 for GG by  doxygen 1.5.2